Hotel Solar de Maria ★★★★

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The Solar de Maria hotel is just a few steps from the sumptuous church of Our Lady of the Rosary, high point of baroque mining architecture. Situated in an early twentieth century house, recently restored, it offers its guests all charm and warmth, as well as the convenience of a privileged black gold location, cultural heritage of humanity. It is close to the main bars and restaurants in the city and the most important historical attractions that deserve to be visited as well as the center of arts and conventions, which host congresses and events of the most varied segments. Opened in 2009, the Solar de Maria Hotel offers personalized service and a complete structure of services, some of the differentials that accredit the figure among the best black gold hotels. Charm is a registered trademark, which conquers the first look. His imposing building unites the refinement of the facilities, with the beauty of the typical windows and flowers that give a special touch, the elements that rescue the history of the city. Care in preserving the rich details, the design of the Solar de Maria was born. The Mandala, which today represents the hotel logo, originates from a flower that found in one of the house rooms. His shape became the decorative landmark of Mary's Solar Hotel, being reproduced, sliced ​​laser, painted with leaf of gold and applied at the chandeliers of the house.
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Endereço: R. Tomé Afonso, 111, Ouro Preto - MG, 35400-000, Brazil
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